Prince Charles Charity Promotes Health Fraud
Australia's future head of state has just launched a promotion enticing doctors become involved in health fraud. Through his registered charity, The Prince of Wales's Foundation for Integrative Health, Doctors are being encouraged to provide patients with herbal treatments and vitamins, rather than medications.This from the same unreliable source who last year tried to get the government to research Gerson Therapy (carrot juice and coffee enemas) as a cancer cure. Now I enjoy a good hot cup of coffee as much as anyone, but I don't think I'll be tempted to try a coffee enema. I prefer to drink mine. Obviously no-one has told Prince Charles about the study in the Lancet showing high levels of Beta Carotene actually increase the risk of cancer. (especially in smokers)
The Gerson Institute is now operated by the founder's daughter. While the office is in San Diego, the treatments are performed in licensed clinincs, mostly operating out the Mexican town of Tijuana. Why Tijuana? you might ask. The US government frowns upon organisations that charge US$4,900 per week with treatments that have no evidence of effectiveness. That's right, there is no clear evidentiary proof that Gerson Therapy works. Working over the border in Mexico, they are not subject to US laws.
Gerson supporters will immediately point you to a book that supposedly details the successful treatment of 50 patients, but those claims do not hold up under closer scrutiny. A retired Australian Surgeon, Peter Moran, has delved into the so-called 50 cases and completed a case by case review. The review points out that in most cases the cancer was not confirmed before the treatment. Having patients being cancer-free is a bit easier, when they never had cancer in the first place. The US National Cancer Institute has also reviewed 10 cases, selected by Dr. Gerson's patients, but they were unable to say if it was the Gerson therapy that was responsible for the improved health as the patients were also having regular cancer treatment.
This is also a popular way to claim success. Have the patient undergo chemotherapy and eat a carrot. If they are cured, it must have been the carrott, if they die, it's proof that chemo is a failure.
It is clear that Prince Charles has no real idea about the way in which cancer works. That he uses his influence to promote fraud is bad enough, but how on earth does he manage to get this fraud promoting organisation to be tax-free and eligible for tax deductible donations. Is this the type of person that Australians want as our next head of state? Is this the type of person who should be giving any medical advice at all? Would Prince Charles forgo conventional treatment and rely on Gerson Therapy if he was diagnosed with cancer?
Being advised that you have cancer can be a severe blow. It's something that only those of us who have been through it will ever really understand. While it may be tempting to try a "natural alternative", the consequences of that decision are devastating. A small study at the Westmead hospital in Sydney, Australia on breast cancer patients, showed that those with operable cancer who elected to delay conventional treatment to trial alternative therapies, had their cancer metastasize (spread to other parts of the body) by the time they decided the alternative treatment was not working.
The "natural alternative" may not kill you, but it may delay treatment so that a curable cancer does kill you. Dr. Crea, as quoted in a newspaper interview, said "There is no alternative therapy to cure a breast cancer. Women can think there is if they like, but they end up dead."
"There is only one truth. How we interpret that truth is called belief."
"The existence of belief does not indicate the prescence of truth"
Dear Mr. Paine-in-the-Ass:
Quoting idiots like Crea doesn't really help your cause. Suggesting there are no alternatives in treating breast cancer is a sign of gross ignorance.
I think you'd be better to quote people like Paul Lee. But conditions of restraining order don't allow him to talk about Prince Charles anymor
A little hitch with blogger not reporting comments, means I overlooked some of the comments like this one, left by anonymous.
I assume it's our ever present Mr. O'Neill from the Canadian Cancer Research Group.
For those unfamiliar with Mr. O'Neill, simply visit
So, Anonym Ass is crapping here now.....;-)
So, what is this "restraining order" you're talking about, Anonym Ass?
I can talk about HRH Charles, "Prince of Quacks" all I want.
My mother was diagnosed with cancer... doctors strongly suggested chemotherapy. My mom was convinced that the Gerson therapy would work. She rejected the chemo and went with the Gerson therapy while in her 4th stage... Her doctors told her she was making a mistake. After about a year and a half she was breast cancer free and has been for 8 years. You choose whatever therapy you'd like, but it is compassionate and non-ignorant folks like us who will be surviving of cancer. While you're in your hospital bed dying of cancer wishing you didn't criticize those who were trying to ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!
Lydia -
Would you provide a contact where I could reach you to discuss? A family member is in the same situation, and your insights based on that experience would be very helpful in our decision-making. Thanks
Lydia, my father has pancreatic cancer with metastases in the liver. After 3 months of chemotherapy, doctors said there in no hope. My family and I really want him to go in the "Baja" Gerson clinic in Tijuana. Anybody has experiences regarding that?
My father was just been diagnosed with liver cancer and I happened upon the trailer for A Beautiful Truth. After reading about the Gerson Therapy, I am very interested in seeking this treatment for him. I, however, have been researching to see the cons, and of course found several. So, I was wondering if those who have actually been and found success could contact me. I can give you my email when you respond. Thank you
Asking to speak with those who have had success using Gerson therapy makes the false assumption that people have had success, although there will be some such as Lydia who will claim they or people they know fit into that category.
When the cancer is confirmed and the patienst followed up in a scientifice study, the results are very different. A 1994 study in the journal of naturopathic medicine (1) followed up 21 patients who were on Gerson therapy. At the 5 year mark, there was only one who was still alive and that person still had cancer.
Real cancer needs to be treated with real medicine. Alternative therapies lead to the death of the patient.
(1) Austin S, Dale EB, DeKadt S. Long-term follow-up of cancer patients using Contreras, Hoxsey and Gerson therapies. Journal of Naturopathic Medicine 5(1):74-76, 1994.
Why such a strong opposition? Sounds like you're working for the drug companies here. Take a look at the recovery rate for various cancers using drugs. Not so great.
So if someone, given the choice, decides to put natural/healthy things into their body instead of poison, well that should be O.K. with you.
Why such a strong support? Sounds like you're working for the vitamin companies here. Take a look at the recovery rate for various cancers using "natural" therapies. Nil.
It would be OK with me if the people putting the "natural" things into their body were given the facts to make an informed decision. Something along the lines of ..."There is no scientific evidence confirming the effectiveness of Gerson Therapy. If you choose this therapy, the cancer will spread and you will die."
In Australia, the government pays for cancer treatments but not for fake medicine.(sorry, "Alternative" medicine) It is actually more expensive to buy ineffective vitamins than to get real treatment.
Mr. Paine
You sound so biased, and equally so ignorant. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Here is an example of your ignorance, a quote from your article 'Real cancer needs to be treated with real medicine. Alternative therapies lead to the death of the patient'.
Real cancer needs to be treated with real medicine, your comment is pathetic. Let me tell you what 'real medicine, chemo, radiation' did for me - it made me incredibly sick and did nothing to stop the cancer spreading to my lungs, liver, bones, spine and lymph nodes. At Christmas I was given up to six months to live if I didn't do chemo again, however, even if I did suffer the traumatic side effects and degradation of chemo, the oncologists said I would die anyway, however, I might live one and a half years. One and a half years of hell - NO THANK YOU. I have refused your so called 'real medicine' (poison) and have decided to go 100% natural therapy. I, as you can imagine am still alive and kicking up a storm. My last CT scans showed that the cancer has stopped in it's tracks and is actually shrinking. I can now walk, even run, I can talk without coughing uncontrollably and I feel a million times better than I did at Christmas 08. All this on carrots and apples!!! Well, not just carrots and apples, quite a bit more, but all natural. You can keep your 'real medicine'.
Do me a favor - get your head out of the sand and take a look at what your 'real medicine' is really doing (or should I say not doing!). Perhaps then you would listen to what Prince Charles has to say. I commend him for his guts and clarity of vision. Which is more than I can say for you and your pharmaceutical friends...
Mr Paine,
Quoting you:
"A 1994 study in the journal of naturopathic medicine (1) followed up 21 patients who were on Gerson therapy. At the 5 year mark, there was only one who was still alive and that person still had cancer."
Actually, there is absolutely no proof to the journal of naturopathic medicine's "study" claim...None!
I am no fan of the "Gerson therapy" as I strongly believe that for each unique individual, only a unique natural treatment approach should be used...Organic and natural.
Gerson is accommodating the actual nurishing and detoxification that the body needs in our deficient and toxic world. The facts and progress of this therapy and its actual effectiveness has outlasted the most rigorous skeptics and dark forces seeking to discredit Dr. Max Gerson and his therapy. Yet they keep coming. The ignorant can be educated, but those bent on surpression of information and out right deceit are the ones who knowing full well about the truth of the therapy, have to throw out every thing they can to discredit Dr. Gerson and his daughter. The truth will remain the same no matter how long liars and nay sayers keep up their vanity and pride.
Well greetings thanks for the opportunity of post a message , also i would like to know more about Prince Charles Charity Promotes Health Fraud is very interesting , how can i get more information about it , I want to sign up for more details.
An interesting discussion is happening on the Gerson chat group between Howard (grandson of Dr Gerson) and others re the decline in cure results since the raw liver was removed.
Have a look for yourself John
If you visit the Gerson chat site you will also come across Beata Bishop who coached Prince Charles.
She recently stated on the chat site "My other worry is the lack of follow-up, the prospective and retrospective monitoring of patients, hence the lack of statistics or indeed any evidence, other than anecdotal, that could be presented to the medical community and other interested parties."
Yet she told Prince Charles that the cure rate was the same as Dr Gerson got - 50% when she and Howard could only identify a handful of people from the thousands treated
The facts being known people have cured themselves from cancer using alternative methods. These people are not documented by the medical profession as they do not have medical records to quantify or qualify their recovery. I personally know of several people that have used alternative methods to cure their cancers and have been cancer free for over 5 years. Doctors put it down to a spontaneous remission. This is why people like Kevin Paine have trouble finding medical statistics on people whose recovery from cancer is from an alternative approach.
What a pile of crap
What a pile of crap
Mr. Paine is really a retarded fool, and its his ignorance that leaves most of the world in the dark about alternative solutions to problems that corporate america says they're trying to solve. the cancer society is a billion$ a year industry and they arent trying to find a solution when they make so much $$$. one day mr. paine will find himself with cancer or has a loved one with cancer and then he will see how much the cancer society does for him, by poisoning them with "medicine" and chemo, and being around since 1913 the cancer society has really not made any progress in the cure for any cancer, so mr paine good luck with all that
c-los you really are a moron! cant you see the in the picture? this is where the cancer societies $$ are partially going towards, slander commercials to keep you away from what they are afraid of, people getting cured and not using their medicine so they dont lose $$. By going and asking any dr. what they think, they will tell you not to go the natural route because they too get a cut of the drug company profits, but most dr.s are trying to help people but they only get taught in medical school one way... and unless they have gotten a naturopathic degree as well you cant really be sure what way is best for you. my advise is to keep an open mind and find out all your options from both types of dr.s and leave the hate at home because we all want one thing and thats our loved ones to live as long as they possibly can
"Leave your hate at home...", incredibly well put!
Allopathic medical findings are based on clinical studies of a series of controlled test patients. Of course those curing the maladies of the world, who are segregated by location, are not involved in these very cut and dry, black and white studies.
For years the Shaman and Herbalists of the world's rainforests have been treating and preventing these types of incurable diseases through the use of the nature that surrounds them, and without clinical trials and men in long white coats, and machines that subject the body to extreme amounts of radiation, not to mention a lack of free radicals.
Radiation which is now acknowledged by the American Medical Association, as harmful to the balance of the body's ability to remove and filter out heavy metals and may be associated with heavy metal toxicity. Heavy Metal Toxicity which plagues those who have AIDS, CANCER, HEPATITIS, and other diseases. In a recent study it was proven that toxicity of the body's organs will ultimately lead to death and that the living time frame for those with incurable diseases and toxicity present is much smaller.
my grandmom had cancer and she died, not because of cancer, but because of chemotherapy, which was painful, which drained out her will to live and fight
if i knew that there s something like Gerson therapy i will recommend that
i saw here one week before her death, and she looks like she came out from nazi concetration camp, so much weight lost, total exhaustion in eyes, no power and will in her voice...
so thank u official medicine, thank u doctors and pharmaceutic firms, thank u so much
now i know that all u care about is ur profit
no, i wont hate u, u re just little children, or very young souls in adult or old bodies, and u cant just understand mysteries and truths of life
so have fun killing more patients and writing stupid articles like this one
but remember there s justice, even if we cant see it by own eyes, and every good or bad act will have reward, guess it s called karma
and it works for sure, yeah u can call it lie or fraud also, but then dont cry later when what u planted, will return to u multiplied.
hope one day wisdom will grow up with people like Kevin Paine, so we wont have to read articles like this which belongs to 12th century or so, merry Xmas!
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It is simple...
Big business, corporations etc. need people to become(slowly but surely) severely ill toward the later years of life. This allows the higher powers to get back and then maintain the accumulated wealth(if any) of many individuals and families, or at least, puts them into so much debt that they are paying into it for years to come.
Imagine if treatments came out that were relatively cheap, allowed people to work well into their later years while keeping people mobile, active and full of health. Besides the huge population growth(which every government has to deal with in someway) these families would, generation after generation, become very independent of government resources and therefore, would become very financially sound. Now imagine 10's of thousands of these families springing up every year and what type of impact that would have on the very few who actually run these mega-conglomerates.
Unfortunately, for the vast majority of Americans, this will be always be a losing battle, as the propaganda(research) is too extremely biased towards what will give more control and power to the few, while constantly draining the masses of whatever resources they have.
Examples: fast food,consumer/media marketing, Pharma, Insurance rates, war after war, controlled meat/poultry along with agriculture,gasoline,tobacco,
hemp/marijuana and so on. Think about who is on top of each of these facets of our world and how they could be related to each other and you just might surprise yourself at what you find out.
Do your own research! :)
I feel so lame for leaving a post on an ols thread but here are my 2 cents. I am a retired US ARMY Veteran of 4 conflicts, including afg. and Iraq. I was vaccinated with non FDA Approved medicine that has proved to produce cancerous cells and it has on many of my brothers in arms. I currently have cysts in my testicles, stomach thyroid right breast and brain. while none are malignant I can't sit and wait for the problem to go away or get worse, so the docs tell me, nothing we can do until we have a larger cyst formation.... so no preventive maintenance just repairs... in other words wait till it turns to cancer and we'll chemo your ass till u glow. not good enougjh. so I inquire about Gerson... no can do, they are the devil and it's not FDA napproved.... (neither was the poison that got me here. Gerson is not interested in money, the clinic is expensive but look at the costs they have to offset, if they were after your money they wouldn't set you up free of charge(consulting) to do it at home. now, I did invest money on a juicer a water distiller and doubled my grocery bill on organic foods, so fuc%$ing what!!! I feel great, the lump on my breast is gone, the one on my testicles is almost not noticeable and as far as the rest goes, I will never know, so my case will go undoccumented as do so many. I don't need you (I mean the asshole who wrote this) to tell me what works, I already know, do I know that it doesn't always work...of course you douchebag, neither does aspirin but we still use it! the point is if I'm gonna die of cancer or any other illness, do I rather go in pain and agony from the idiot based pharma solutions (keep u alive n sick for a loooooooong time to make cash) or do I wanna go with coffee up my ass an eating a carrot..the answer is simple you weasel, don't put down what u don't understand or you will have a pissed off commando that can sneak up on people very easily after you....(not me, I was just a medic.... I mean other people...) asshole
I feel so lame for leaving a post on an ols thread but here are my 2 cents. I am a retired US ARMY Veteran of 4 conflicts, including afg. and Iraq. I was vaccinated with non FDA Approved medicine that has proved to produce cancerous cells and it has on many of my brothers in arms. I currently have cysts in my testicles, stomach thyroid right breast and brain. while none are malignant I can't sit and wait for the problem to go away or get worse, so the docs tell me, nothing we can do until we have a larger cyst formation.... so no preventive maintenance just repairs... in other words wait till it turns to cancer and we'll chemo your ass till u glow. not good enougjh. so I inquire about Gerson... no can do, they are the devil and it's not FDA napproved.... (neither was the poison that got me here. Gerson is not interested in money, the clinic is expensive but look at the costs they have to offset, if they were after your money they wouldn't set you up free of charge(consulting) to do it at home. now, I did invest money on a juicer a water distiller and doubled my grocery bill on organic foods, so fuc%$ing what!!! I feel great, the lump on my breast is gone, the one on my testicles is almost not noticeable and as far as the rest goes, I will never know, so my case will go undoccumented as do so many. I don't need you (I mean the asshole who wrote this) to tell me what works, I already know, do I know that it doesn't always work...of course you douchebag, neither does aspirin but we still use it! the point is if I'm gonna die of cancer or any other illness, do I rather go in pain and agony from the idiot based pharma solutions (keep u alive n sick for a loooooooong time to make cash) or do I wanna go with coffee up my ass an eating a carrot..the answer is simple you weasel, don't put down what u don't understand or you will have a pissed off commando that can sneak up on people very easily after you....(not me, I was just a medic.... I mean other people...) asshole
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Clara I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sicking of
breast cancer and her name is David Sandra I and my family have taking her
to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to
the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady
called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a
herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the
herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my
younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him
my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be
cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that
I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how
can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me
That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for
the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier
service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week
complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not
knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the
miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the
herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he
didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him
and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if
you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from
the hospital please contact or whatsapp him
+2348110114739 for the cure, he will help you out with the
problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me or whatsApp me +1845-652-1151
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